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Selecting Fabric

March 6th, 2009


A Jo Ann Fabric and Crafts store near me had its grand opening today. It is less than a ten minute drive from my house and I had been looking forward to the opening for over a month. I had a lot of fun this afternoon just looking around. One enjoyable discovery was that they carry Soft Dolls and Animals! magazine and they had stocked the current issue with my doll pattern in it. I refrained from pointing the article out to passing strangers, but I was tempted.


I spent a lot of time looking at the quilting fabric. Quilting seems to be the most popular type of sewing right now and it certainly produces some lovely results. The quilting section also provides lots of fabric for doll costuming. It is one hundred per cent cotton with lots of small designs in lovely coordinated colors. Fat quarters (half the width of half a yard of fabric) provide enough fabric for small doll garments. Although I have plenty of fabric now, I am planning on stocking up on fat quarters soon.

fabric for small dolls

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