Home > doll quilts > The First in a Series

The First in a Series

July 10th, 2011

For the next few weeks technical support (husband) and I will be adding free patterns and downloads to my patterns page. The first four additions can be used with my pattern “Doll Bed and Accessories.” Today we are offering miniature Dutch Doll blocks.

If you liked the miniature Dutch Doll quilt that I first showed you in my June nineteenth blog, you can now download a PDF containing the five blocks on the pictured quilt plus a sixth block with only the outline of a Dutch Doll. The blocks are intended to be printed on a sheet of printable fabric. You can also trace the dolls onto fabric and color them with waterproof pens. If you want to make the quilt pictured, you will need my pattern “Doll Bed and Accessories.” I’m sure that there are other ways to use the download. Have fun and use your imagination.

If you are interested in this download, go to my patterns page. You can find the new download in the red box on the right that lists all the free downloads.
Coming next week: A free download of a pattern for a larger Dutch Doll that is appliqued onto a miniature quilt.

Coming in August: A chance to win a free pdf of your choice from my pattern selections.

doll quilts

  1. Annette
    July 10th, 2011 at 13:33 | #1

    The story about the needle threader…rang so true! I have had the same thing happen when working on applique. I have found a trick that works for me. Take a white sheet of paper, lay that on your lap and thread the needle with the white paper underneath. Usually it makes it much easier to thread without all the “air stabbing” I usually end up doing!

  2. July 10th, 2011 at 14:16 | #2

    That’s a great idea! I’ll try it next time.

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