Thoughts on Christmas Dolls
I think that a small doll with a custom made wardrobe would be a wonderful Christmas present for a little girl. If you are considering purchasing a small doll and making it clothes, you should should spend some time deciding on the right doll. The recent Ginny and Tiny Betsy McCall dolls that I have purchased have a warning on the box that says the dolls are unsuitable for children younger than 14 years. The only hazard that is listed on the box is a choking hazard, which is usually a danger for children 3 years old and younger. I am not certain why the dolls are not considered play dolls. They are hard plastic which means that the arms and legs are connected with rubber bands suitable for doll stringing. I am not sure if this construction technique is hazardous or not, but it might be traumatic. I have several hard plastic Ginny dolls from the 1990’s. One day not too long ago, I opened my doll cabinet to show my four year old neighbor a miniature tea set. The head of one of my Ginny dolls fell off and hit my shoe. I was afraid that my young friend was going to be upset, but she was too interested in the tea set to notice the tragedy. I quickly removed the victim and she is now awaiting repair with some of her sisters.
If the warnings about hard plastic dolls concern you, other options are available. You might make one of my small cloth dolls. The joining buttons and small arms and legs on my dolls are choking hazards for children who are still inclined to chew on their toys. I think that my dolls would be suitable for most children over 3 or 4 years old.
The mail order company Lillian Vernon has a small vinyl doll that is suitable for children. The American Girl mini doll is made for ages 8 and up. I hope that you can find the right doll for that special little girl.A