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A Matter of Priorities

January 13th, 2013

A month or two ago, as I was coming home from a shopping trip to JoAnn’s Fabric and Crafts, I was stopped by a police officer. No, I didn’t get a traffic ticket. I was trying to turn left and go up the hill to get to our house. The policeman told me about an accident. At the bottom of the hill, a crew had been doing maintenance work on our water lines. They had accidentally broken a gas line.

I looked down the road passed the officer, and I could see something coming out of a pipe. Whatever it was that was pouring out, almost flowed like water. However, the street wasn’t getting any wetter, and there was a strong smell of gas in the air. The policeman told me that I could go home, but if the wind changed, I would have to leave again.

When I got home and told my husband about the leak, we decided to leave for a while. We stuffed our two cats into their cat carriers and went out to lunch. The only thing besides the cats that we took with us was my husband’s laptop.

I didn’t really think that our house would  burn down, but I still worried a little that it might. We have insurance, of course, but it would be very traumatic to lose our house and everything in it. I kept thinking about the things in the house that it would be hard or impossible to replace.

One thing that my mind kept going back to was my twenty year old Bernina sewing machine. I have had it a long time, but it is still one of my favorite worldly possessions. My Bernina and I make a great team. I know how it works, and it knows how to sew for me. If anything like this incident happens again, the cats still have top priority, but I think that I will take my Bernina along, too.

Sewing Machines

  1. Judith
    January 26th, 2013 at 20:35 | #1

    Hi. I love the pictures of your dolls in their Christmas outfits, and the Florabunda angel tree-topper is beautiful. I make dolls and dolls clothes (from patterns – I’m not that talented) to give to Toys for Tots and the Purple Stitch Project (for kids with epilepsy). I see your ‘tag cloud’ notices many popular dolls. I work with 23″ My Twinn dolls. Each doll has a personality, and favorite color, and a favorite activity. I make clothes to correspond to them. I have boy and girl dolls. I also want to start working with the 18″ dolls, probably Springfield; American Girl is a little expensive for someone on a fixed income. I haven’t yet browsed your entire site, but I’m sure I can find some patterns that I would love to make.

  2. January 26th, 2013 at 20:48 | #2

    Thank you for your wonderful comments. I think that the Springfield dolls are a great buy. When I find them on sale, I like to buy one or two and put them away for Christmas projects. I had not heard of the Purple Stitch Project. It sounds like a good place to use your sewing skills.

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